Here’s a great full-length video of the Planet Comicon 2010 panel with actress Helen Slater (Supergirl, Ruthless People, City Slickers). I was honored to have the opportunity to moderate this panel. Thanks to our friends at for recording this and posting the video.
Tag: Kirk Chritton
Free State Comicon: Behind the Table
Guest Column By CW Cooke

Saturday, September 10, 2011 was a fantastically enjoyable day. A special thanks goes out to Craig Klotz first and foremost for allowing me to take part in the Free State Comicon show and have fun out in Lawrence on that lovely day. Seriously, the only way it could have gone better is if I had a big announcement following the con.
I spent the entire day behind my table, watching people pass by, meeting fans, shaking hands, talking with other creators, meeting creators, signing autographs, selling books, and laughing. There was a lot of laughing. A lot of mischief was had on my side of the room, which we’ll discuss briefly in just a moment. Continue reading “Free State Comicon: Behind the Table”
Planet Comicon panel schedule announced

Actors including Lindsay Wagner and Alaina Huffman and comics creators including Tony Harris and Gail Simone will take the stage at Planet Comicon next weekend. Event promoter Chris Jackson has released the schedule of panel events which were developed in collaboration with Kansas City Comics’ own Kirk Chritton.
“We’re very excited about this line-up,” Chritton said. “I think it’s the most star-studded series of panels we’ve had since I got involved with the show four years ago. Plus, we expect to be able to announce some other exciting panelists as soon as confirmations come in.”
Planet Comicon is scheduled for March 26 – 27. The event will be held at the Overland Park International Trade Center. Adult weekend passes are available at the event for $20.
NOTE: The schedule has been updated since the first announcement. The revised panel listing is posted after the jump…