Pre-Planet Planning Push

Soon I’ll be able to stop chattering about getting ready for this weekend’s Planet Comicon and start chattering about all of the fun and exciting things that happened at Planet Comicon.

On Monday, the show got a wonderful publicity boost with front page coverage in the Kansas City Star. In a brief “The Week Ahead” segment, PlanetComicon was promoted with a sizable headline and photo. The Star is very supportive of the show. It also got lead placement in a Tuesday upcoming event calendar and I understand that tomorrow’s Preview weekend entertainment magazine will have a cover feature on the show.

Others are posting about it, too: Jason Aaron,, Old School, Mid-Missouri Comics Collective, and Larry Litle are just a few of folks who are posting about the show.

You’ll find me at the panel rooms most of the time. I’ll be moderating, introducing, or participating in panels throughout the weekend. Check out the most recent schedule of events.

One thought on “Pre-Planet Planning Push”

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