Blair Butler reviews LoveSTRUCK

Blair Butler of G4’s Fresh Ink reviews the new original graphic novel LoveSTRUCK from Kansas City’s Dennis Hopeless and Kevin Mellon. The review starts at about the 4:30 mark.

Butler gives full disclosure that she’s currently writing Heart, a new comics series that is also drawn by Kevin Mellon. LoveSTRUCK is available now; Heart is coming in November. Both are published by Image Comics.

Lovestruck coming from Image Comics in September

Lovestruck from Image Comics
Lovestruck by Dennis Hopeless and Kevin Mellon will be published by Image Comics in Septemer. Cover by Erik Jones.

The creative team behind Gearhead, writer Dennis Hopeless and artist Kevin Mellon, have a new original graphic novel coming from Image Comics this September. Lovestruck is the story of a group of people employed by the Roman god Cupid, who has turned his matchmaking prowess to profit in the modern world.

Both Hopeless and Mellon are local Kansas City comics creators. Hopeless has also written Hack/Slash Trailers 2. Mellon’s work has appeared in Comic Book Tattoo, Hack/Slash, and Marvel Comics’ S.H.I.E.L.D. one-shot earlier this summer.

Mellon says that Hopeless initially pitched the idea to him as a follow up to Gearhead. “It was like a light kind of shone on me and it became something I not only wanted to do, but had to do,” Mellon said. “One of the many joys about working with Dennis is that everything we come up with together, I pretty much have to do. Come hell or high water.”

Lovestruck features a cover by Brooklyn-based Erik Jones. The 192-page graphic novel retails for $16.99. It is currently available for pre-order from comics shops and other book outlets. Westfield Comics has announced that copies of Lovestruck pre-ordered through the service will comics signed by Hopeless and Mellon and will include a limited edition print.