Lee Leslie takes a header

Rigby the Barbarian
Rigby the Barbarian is an epic webcomic by Lee Leslie.

Kansas City cartoonist Lee Leslie has provided the cool new header graphic at the top of the site. Leslie is the talented creator of Rigby the Barbarian, subtitled “an epic webcomic.” The header is based on a panel from one of Leslie’s earliest mini-comics.

Leslie will be appearing at Planet Comicon later this month. “If you know you’re going to be at Planet Comicon, and you know you’re going to want a sketch, please send me an email so I can get started ahead of time. I guarantee if you talk to me ahead of time you’ll get a better sketch than at the show,” Leslie writes on the Rigby site. “That’s just the nature of things. I always draw better sitting at my drawing table in my basement listening to music than at a noisy convention center.”

You can contact Lee Leslie at rigbythebarbarian@gmail.com.